ALScreen – O157:H7 Detection Kit

Now available!



The standardised ISO/TS 13136 method describes the recommendations for the detection of STEC E. coli and determination
of O175:H7 serotype. The method uses the Real time PCR technique to detect the presence of the rfbE and fliC genes which code
the virulence marker and its H-antigen-associated gene, respectively, and are specific of the O175:H7 serotype.

The method is applicable to products intended for human consumption and the feeding of animals, environmental samples in the
area of food production and food handling, and environmental samples in the area of primary production. Amplification detection
is based on Taqman technology, i.e., the fluorescence issued is detected upon degradation of the hydrolysis probe during PCR

Additional information

Weight 0,035 kg
Dimensions 70 × 50 × 55 cm



Real-Time PCR